Who: Club Members Only
Format: 1-2-3 Game On! Registration is at 12 noon. Games start at 12:30 pm sharp.
This is a fun filled round robin event with play starting at the non-volley zone (NVZ). Each game is a 7-minute timed game or to 11, whatever occurs first.
Each team consists of 2 players of balanced abilities.
Play begins at the NVZ. The ball must cross the net 3 times and land in the NVZ. After the 3 shots, you start playing a normal game where all shots are available: attacks, drives, lobs, etc. All other rules apply the same as a full court pickleball game.
Partners will be assigned by random draw. Pairing for both sessions will be drawn on February 1st, allowing 2 weeks of practice with your partner.
1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Awards will be presented.
Groups: All Groups
Sign-Up: Registration is required through the website.
Please only sign-up for one of the two sessions for DinkFest, so that more members can participate!