Who: Male Club Members Only
Format: Ladder Play is a competitive format structured to measure actual game results in an organized, consistent manner, to establish a Ranking for each player. Rankings are used to most evenly match players with others at their level. These Rankings are updated after each Ladder Play to insure the most current level of performance is used for ranking determination.
Each Ladder Play will consist of two sets of three game matches, on a court with four players. Court Assignments will start on Court 1 with the highest ranked players. The remaining courts will be filled all the way down to the lowest ranking on the last court needed for the number of players. There will be at least four per court, with as many as five, if needed. On a court with five players, one person will play four games; the other four people will play three games, each with a “bye” game. The maximum is forty players on the eight courts available.
After posting scores for all games in a set, points are totaled for each player. When play is complete for Set 1, the player with the highest total points at each court will move up a court; the player with the lowest point total will move down a court. Set 2 is played the same way ending with points totaled on the scoresheet. For five person courts, the highest ranked player will play four games.
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to start. If you need to cancel or have any questions regarding the Men’s Ladder Play, please email: [email protected].
Groups: All groups
Sign-Up: Required, through the website. Registration cut-off is on Tuesday at noon.